5-Star Client Review

It is always so lovely to read a positive review from our clients... we are lucky to work with some of the sweetest, most adorable couples around! Jenn & Chester just posted this amazing review and we simply had to share it with you:

"My husband and I got married 1 year ago. Then, we temporarily moved out of the country right after our wedding, forced to leave printing pictures/albums for a while. We were just sitting down tonight to get going on that, and fell in love with our pictures all over again and were inspired to post a review.

We were pretty laid back wedding planners, choosing the first person that was reliably recommended to us for many of our vendors. But, with photography we were a lot pickier. We both felt that our pictures were the only thing we got to keep (aside from each other of course!) so that (finding someone who could really "capture" the day candidly) was where a generous amount of time, effort and resources should go. We combed a ton of websites and eventually met with 5-10 photographers. This was an important decision to us, and we can both be indecisive, but even after all those meetings, the choice was clear to both of us immediately. Trevor & Larissa had just started their joint company, so we didn't have a lot to go off of. But, what they did show us, was amazing. They were also very organized and professional but yet laid back and sincere/personal. And, we were instantly comfortable around them (which, for me was key, because I don't like getting my picture taken).

We also liked that we would get 2 talented photographers who knew how to shoot together and whose personalities and styles complemented one another so well. We weren't disappointed! They were like that through the whole process. We never had a moment of worry if they would pull through in any way. Never felt the need to check up on anything. They just did their thing the day of the wedding and a couple of weeks later gave us hundreds of pictures that truely captured our day. We can feel what the weather was like, what we and others were feeling, the fun atmosphere . . . And there are so many pictures of friends and family that are "so them", which, with us far away, are great to have. So, we got exactly what we wanted. Great candid pictures and a relaxed, positive experience to go along with them!"
-Jenn & Chester

Check out this review and others on Project Wedding!


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