Comment from: Luciana [Visitor]
I think the Supermarket Sweep is absolutely adorable!!!!....This story would definately turn out the best photos!!!! Good Luck Ana!!!! :-)
03/30/09 @ 14:35
Comment from: gerri tiffin [Visitor]
50's glam what else???
03/30/09 @ 23:57
Comment from: Laurie [Visitor]
50's glam! Elegance & style, sounds lovely.
03/31/09 @ 06:10
Comment from: Laura Motoo [Visitor]
I love Going Steady. Its what everybody dreams but only few can attain. Its quite refreshing in this sinical world we live in. Beautiful Story that has a deep, meaningful and memorable history behind it..
03/31/09 @ 08:59
Comment from: connie [Visitor]
good pic
03/31/09 @ 11:19
Comment from: Kelly [Visitor]
Thinks 'Going Steady' is ideal - taking the image of them in highschool (knew them back then)-- this is at least 15+ years later and through everything they are finally making it official!
04/01/09 @ 12:22
Comment from: Larissa Issler [Member] ·
The race is on and it's a close one!

Thanks to everyone who has voted so far, here's a peek at the official tally's as of 12:45pm today, Thursday, April 2nd:

Biker Love: 9 votes (1%)
Supermarket Sweeps: 46 votes (7%)
50's Glam: 326 votes (48%)
Going Steady: 232 votes (34%)
Deco Delight: 67 votes (10%)

Congrats to those who are in the lead... and for the others, not to worry you still have plenty of time to get the word out with almost two weeks left to get your numbers up.

Good luck! :)
04/02/09 @ 09:51
Comment from: Rebecca [Visitor]
Going Steady is lovely. :)
04/02/09 @ 11:30
Comment from: Melissa [Visitor] ·
04/02/09 @ 15:58
I echo what Melissa says!

IT'S ON! ;)
04/03/09 @ 06:45
Comment from: Giselle [Visitor]
Since I married my high school sweet heart and am totally in love, I love "Going Steady"
04/03/09 @ 11:07

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